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Racquet Sports Live Match Streaming
for the Rest of Us


By Cesar O Andrade, CEO. Racquets! AppSuite LLC


In the 80s, Apple - long before becoming the most valuable business on the planet - drove "the computer for the rest of us" concept into what is now part and parcel of the conscience of the information age. At the time, only large companies were the territory of "serious" business computing and, you had to be a determined and gifted nerd to make productive use of emerging small personal computers. In those years, I was developing my career in the international business computing technology space; I helped many governments and business organizations to optimize and make better use of their people and material resources using digital computing and software solutions and, was a participant in the amazing transformation that brought us such information age. I can report that, in many ways, with the advent of highly sophisticated app development platforms for smartphones and wearable devices, and, artificial intelligence, we are once again at the dawn of adoption and enjoyment of powerful solutions to everyday needs in the lives of "the rest of us" not available to us before.


Applying understanding of such history of the information age, to the world of racquet sports of today, it is exciting to share that the "rest of us" are going to be able now to watch our children, our friends, our favorite amateur or emerging pro players playing important matches anytime and anywhere, on-demand on our smartphones! Live match action with scores just like a pro match is shown on TV today. And I say the rest of us because currently, only a very few elite players command the attention and economic incentive of large audiences to justify current match broadcasting and streaming platforms to be present and engage their cameras and crew for such events.​

I missed most of the important varsity tennis matches my son played in high school … In the 80-90s, parallel with my business career, my son, Marco, was becoming a good varsity player. I hated the fact that during those years I had to travel constantly and miss out and not be there to enjoy his matches! Something most tennis parents suffer even today! 

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But not only parents of school players but friends and fans of emerging ITF pro players who travel around the world playing matches that do not command the attention of large audiences but that surely a few to many of those friends, fans, and family members absolutely want to see IF affordable live video streaming were to be available.


The joy of watching/sharing your family and friends' live tennis player matches with your loved ones, friends, and fans … We all enjoy video broadcasting, live or recordings, featuring elite world players - some amazing matches just in the current AO for example - it is a joy for us tennis lifestylers to watch ATP/WTA professional tennis and even some ITA/school level tennis live matches, pretty much on demand. But, like in my case, when my son Marco had important school varsity matches, or when other varsity/school/academy playing daughters, sons, families, friends, amateur tennis players, or emerging ITF pros play an important match when we cannot physically be there, we just have to miss it!

High value-added match streaming technology provided free to customers worldwide … LIVE match video streaming at highly affordable pay-per-view rates set by your own racquets' community organization - your own school, club, academy, or event organizer - In the model of other SaaS apps of global adoption, like Airbnb and Uber. Players do not pay fees. Racquet sports services providers and event organizers, from an individual teaching pro to a major club or federation, set their tennis services pricing appropriate to their local economy & competitive requirements, contributing to the app team for support and ongoing R&D, modest transaction fees for highly value-added services enabled by the app features, such as Ladders, Leagues, Tournament events management; match streaming and analytics. 

Other integrated utility apps like Court Reservations, Lesson Bookings, and Player Match Up are provided at nominal fees or even free. Further, the app provides due consideration to nonprofit tennis providers including schools, benefit organizations, and fundraising events …


Your role and your serve! … We invite you to innovate in your racquets' community, and achieve exponential player participation and business income growth, to transform, together with your players, into the thriving and fun racquets' community networks of the future, perhaps empowered by Racquets! AppSuite™

Contact Cesar

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