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2023 - A GREAT YEAR!


By Mark Greenberg

CEO and Co-Owner Bass River Tennis Club & Electronic Scoring Systems LLC

Architect and Developer of Electronic Scoring System (“ESS”) pp

 and  Digital Signage Board (DSB)

We are very excited about 2023. We have commitments to install our system in a variety of environments including country clubs, private schools, as well as municipal and private tennis clubs.  We have standardized the installation process and can now install the system outdoors.  Our “Members App” is now available for IOS and Android users.  Our goal for 2023 is to increase visibility of the system at multiple sites for a fuller roll-out in 2024.  To accomplish increased visibility we have taken the Tesla strategy of reducing the licensing fees for the first year by 50% for the first 20 installations and reducing the costs associated with the hardware required.


​The heart of our system is the score capturing screen and video and score display. 


We are also marketing our second software solution – the Tennis Digital Signage Board(“TSB”).   TSB can interface with the ESS system or stand alone.  It represents the information hub for the facility and is easily customizable to present the information important to your facility.

Last year Tennis Club Business gave us the opportunity to write multiple articles about the system, specifically:

  • August 15 – An article providing an overview of the system and included in “The Good” category, where it discusses how the system replaces the flip cards. The system makes scoring information available on the courts, throughout the club, and remotely.  The article highlights some of the system’s key functions.

  • September 15 – An article discussing the original motivations for the system including remote viewing and video availability.  The system allows league and tournament matches to be viewed without restrictions.   Private matches can only be viewed if the person playing wants to be seen, and the person wanting to watch knows the password. 

  • October 15 – An article discussing how technology should not take the focus off the game of tennis.  Technology that interferes with the flow, or results in less time actually playing the game, is failing.  We ensure that the effort to enter scores is less than simply flipping the cards.  We have provided the ability to pre-load match information prior to entering the court.  This can be done for a match within the next hour, or for matches in the upcoming season.

  • November 15 – An article discussing how ESS can be leveraged to provide more efficient tournaments.  It provides the ability to pre-load matches as well as ensure the status of each of the courts being used is fully understood. The Tournament Director can reduce the downtime associated with assigning new matches to the courts.  It also provides visibility to viewers of all matches being played.

  • December 15 – An article discussing tennis innovation and how the ESS system is addressing a new area.  Most innovations in tennis today are focused on improving the integrity and analysis of the game.  ESS is focused on improving the experience of the players and the viewers.  The article also highlights the second application we have developed entitled the Digital Signage Board which serves as the information hub for the club.


Each of these articles is available in the archives of TCB and as always, we would enjoy discussing any of them with you.



As 2023 gets started, we especially appreciate the many endorsements we have received in 2022 including the following from Robert Greene, USPTA, Industry Consultant, and Former USTA Professional of the year:  “The ESS system is a “must have” tool for any club that offers tournaments, leagues, and instruction. In addition to being a great tournament management tool, the system engages club members with the ability to check schedules, scores, and even watch matches or lessons on their phones and/or computers. It also has a communications component built in that can be utilized as a profitable promotional tool. Every club owner and tennis professional should learn more about ESS. Your members will love it.” 

More information about the system can be found at and in the technology section of


To take the next step or simply to discuss the system in greater detail, press here to provide contact information and we will quickly get back to you. We appreciate your consideration and are looking forward to a great 2023!

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